Pantry & Food-Related Community Outreach

Feed Fannin has supplied nearly 100% of the funds to the Food Pantry for the purchase of canned and dried, staples, frozen foods, fresh produce, eggs and milk for clients of the Food Pantry at Fannin County Family Connection. In addition, Feed Fannin has a number of food collection boxes located in the Blue Ridge, and the contents of these boxes are taken to the pantry regularly. The total averages about 350 pounds a month of staple items collected from these boxes.

Once a month, Feed Fannin volunteers pack 28-30 large boxes for North Court Apartments and 45-50 small supplemental boxes for Meals on Wheels clients. Small supplemental boxes are also provided to Pruitt Health Hospice clients as needed and requested. Many of the items packed are ordered direct from Chattanooga Food Bank to ensure availability and suitability of product on packing day.

Last year, Feed Fannin began purchasing eggs and milk in a partnership with First Fruits of Fannin, which delivers to needy families in our community. This organization has delivered a total of 1,080 halfgallons of milk and 990 dozen eggs to our community during the period January-March 2023. In addition, staple food items are delivered to the University of North Georgia “Lunch in a Crunch” for enrolled and qualifying students, as needed.