2024 FF Scholarships Awarded to High School Grads

By Carol Martel, Co-Chair, Feed Fannin Scholarship Committee

On April 24, the Feed Fannin Scholarship Committee met to review the applications received from graduating seniors of Fannin County and Copper Basin high schools. Members of the committee are: Kelly Maniscalco, Diane Tortis, Sue Blakeman, and Carlos and Carol Martel.

The committee selected two applicants from Copper Basin and one from Fannin to receive $1,000 scholarships each as they begin their studies for Fall Semester 2024.

The three winners of the scholarships this year are, Stephanie Kirk from Fannin County High School, and Kira Hyatt and Bethany Weaver from Copper Basin High School. Stephanie will pursue a degree in Nutrition and Food Sciences at Georgia Southern University. Kira and Bethany will attend Cleveland State Community College to pursue studies in the field of veterinary medicine.

This is the fourth year Feed Fannin has awarded scholarships at Fannin County High School and the third year at Copper Basin High School.

When the Feed Fannin scholarships were first started, our plan was to support students pursuing degrees in agriculture. That was then expanded to include students planning to pursue degrees in education. Since that time, we have broadened the criteria to include environmental sciences, nutrition and food sciences, horticulture, veterinary medicine and farm management – all fields related to agriculture.

Congratulations to our awardees! We wish them much success in their studies.

Walk for Feed Fannin in June!

Walk Against Hunger at Blue Ridge Methodist Church (behind the Post Office) on Saturday, June 15, 9:00-11:00am.

Entry fee per person: a jar of peanut butter and jelly for donation to Feed Fannin.

>> Click here to view our Spring 2024 newsletter online (PDF)