A Salute to Our Silent Volunteers

Very recently a wonderful friend passed away. She was not only a personal friend, she was also a dedicated Feed Fannin volunteer. Her passing made me think about the many people who volunteer time and contribute funds to Feed Fannin whose names we may not recognize or whom we don’t often see featured in newsletters, on social media or the newspaper. They are the ones whose quiet dedication to helping in many small ways makes Feed Fannin the caring, serving organization that it is today.

When our founder, Barbara Ferer, envisioned Feed Fannin over 14 years ago, she started with a small group of caring, concerned people who wanted to help in whatever ways they could to feed people in need in our community. To this day, small groups of people dedicated to small and large tasks alike power our organization and keep it strong and vibrant.

Whether this is

  • Picking up the donation jars from local merchants as my friend did
  • Collecting donated food items from Feed Fannin Green Boxes around town
  • Packing boxes for seniors and low-income housing tenants
  • Pulling weeds and making scarecrows for our gardens
  • Growing a row in home gardens for the pantry, or
  • Donating money to support the food we grow and the food we purchase from regional food banks

These faithful “silent” volunteers are the heart of Feed Fannin. They are the many wonderful people who come together and donate their time, talents, and treasure to serve a cause greater than themselves by helping those members of our community who are hungry and in need of assistance.

Thank you to my friend and to every Feed Fannin volunteer for all that you do for this community through Feed Fannin. Every effort, every idea shared, task undertaken, and every dollar donated helps make a difference in the life of a family, child or senior who does not have enough food at their table.