
Barbara Ferer Research & Demonstration Garden Update

In 2018 Feed Fannin decided to create the Barbra Ferer Research and Demonstration Garden to explore different methods of raising food in small home gardens. This effort was made possible through a grant from The George Link Jr. Charitable Trust.

As its inaugural project, the newly formed Garden Research Committee incorporated a garden that Feed Fannin volunteers had built next to the Family Connection Food Pantry using the Mittleider gardening method. The Mittleider method reportedly produces higher yields with less water in a smaller space than a standard raised bed garden, and we wanted to test whether this was true in our area.

The experiment was a big success—the Mittleider garden produced as promised. We have continued the Mittleider garden this year, and it is already growing cabbages so big they are bursting out the sides!

Meanwhile, Feed Fannin volunteers are creating new demonstration gardens at the Feed Fannin farm on Ada Street. There are four demonstration plots: a square foot, a compost, a pallet and a hydroponic garden.

Once the gardens are growing well, the Garden Research Committee will arrange a time to explain to interested visitors how each garden was designed and planted, and to discuss the costs and upkeep for each one. Crop harvest data will be kept for each type garden. For more information, get in touch!

Submitted by Carol Martel (Garden Research Coordinator)