Community Members Donate Quilt to Feed Fannin

This quilt, made by Denise Burn, features the handmade ceramic bowls give to Bowls of Hope Participants.

Among the many wonderful items donated to Feed Fannin for the 2019 Bowls of Hope Silent Auction was an eye-catching, colorful quilt made by Denise Burn featuring the handmade ceramic bowls given to Bowls of Hope participants to take home.

Feed Fannin volunteers Carol Huey and Teresa Bidez were so taken with the quilt that they pooled their money to keep bidding on it until they won it. They then donated the quilt to Feed Fannin, which will hang it at the Ada Street farmhouse.

Thank you to Denise Burn for donating the quilt to Bowls of Hope, and thank you Carol Huey and Teresa Bidez for donating the quilt back to us at Feed Fannin!