Welcome to the New FeedFannin.com
Feed Fannin is proud to announce the launch of the new www.feedfannin.org! Our new, mobile-optimized website was designed with a new look to really show you what being “One Community, One Spirit” is all about.
Feed Fannin is proud to announce the launch of the new www.feedfannin.org! Our new, mobile-optimized website was designed with a new look to really show you what being “One Community, One Spirit” is all about.
This is the end of the second growing season for the Mittleider Garden, our showcase experimental garden. Because of the unique soil mixture Mittleider gardens use, the plants establish deep roots, require less water and the beds suffer fewer weeds than standard gardening methods.
It has been a fun, hard-working, educational and expensive summer. Our tractor spent the latter part of the summer in the hospital having transmission surgery, but I am happy to report it has made a full recovery! Here are some of the activities from the garden this summer.