

Organization News

New Produce Initiative Takes Off

Feed Fannin began a new Farm to Pantry produce initiative last summer that has proved very successful. In June 2020, just as the coronavirus pandemic was worsening, the Fannin County

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Garden Update

New Digs for Mittleider Garden

Feed Fannin’s Mittleider Garden has been relocated to the Fannin County Family Connection on Industrial Park Drive in Blue Ridge and is settling into its new digs fairly well.

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Feed Fannin awarded Starbucks Grant

We are excited to report that Starbucks recently awarded Feed Fannin a Starbucks Foundation Neighborhood Grant for $1,500 that was used to purchase $12,000 worth of food staples in bulk from the Atlanta and Chattanooga food banks.

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Bowls of Hope

Reflections on the Cancellation of our 2020 Bowls of Hope

I remember the day in early March when Jane and I, the co-chairs for Feed Fannin’s Bowls of Hope, initially discussed the effect the novel Coronavirus could possibly have on BOH and how we might have to consider at least doing some things differently to disperse attendees. I also remember how quickly the situation changed less than a week later, and the only decision became to cancel BOH. There was a little push-back expressed at first that cancellation was an overreaction, but it soon became evident that it was the correct decision.

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Garden Update

Farm & Garden Report

It is approaching the Fourth of July weekend as I write this article. I am happy to report that the Feed Fannin garden was planted this spring brought some needed normalcy to my world.

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